Liturgical Calendar:
Liturgical Calendar: ?
Oct. 07 - Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary.
Feast of our Parish,
In preparation for the Feast of our Parish, Our Lady of the Rosary,
Note the following schedule in the Main Church
? Oct 2 – 10 – Novena Masses (please note that there will only be 1 evening Mass during the weekdays except on Thursday evening)
? Oct 11 – Solemn High Mass at 3:00PM followed by Procession, Cultural Presentation & Food Fiesta at Parish Grounds.
? See detailed schedule on the Notice Boards.
06-Oct-2024Will be held on Monday, 07 th October at 7:30 PM at Sacraments Chapel. Parents and(1) pair of Godparents to attend the seminar. For inquiries and registration email: [email protected]. Online registration ends on 4th October. (to be read on Friday Only)
Marriage Preparation Course
11-Oct-2024Is on Friday, 11 th October from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM at the Seraphic Hall for those getting married within the next 6 months. For inquiries and registration visit the Parish office before Sunday, 06th October.
The Neo Catechumenal Way
03-Oct-2024Invites parishioners (14yrs and above) for talks on Growing in Christian life and faith every Monday and Thursday from 7:30PM to 8:30PM at Bishop Paul Hinder Building Room 103.
The CFC-Singles for Christ Qatar
18-Oct-2024Warmly invites all single young Catholics of the parish aged 18-40 to the Middle East Live Catholic Conference entitled “On The Way,” on October 18-19, 2024, at Seraphic Hall. For inquiries and registration, contact Sis Jel at 5034-5343 or email [email protected]. Registration is opens until October 11, 2024.
National Service of Communion Qatar (NSC)
02-Oct-2024Invites parishoners to the English Life in the Spirit Seminar on Nov 15 & 22 at the Seraphic Hall. To register, scan the QR Code at the banner poster in the church gate.
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA/OCIA)
11-Oct-2024Will have a formation starting on 11 th October for 3 consecutive Fridays and confirmation is scheduled on 1 st November. For inquiries and registration visit the parish office or email: [email protected].
19-Oct-2024On Saturday, 19th October 7:00PM at the main church. Please register at the parish office or send email at [email protected].
The Office of Care Certificates
02-Oct-2024Are ready for collection at the Parish Office for those who have submitted the form. Others who wants to have the certificate should submit the form accordingly.
REMINDER: USE of Parking
Parishoners are reminded that use of car parking is only until 12 midnight.
Fr. Paul Raj Deva Raj, OFM Cap. Parish Priest