Prayer Groups

Charis- National Service of Communion The National Service Of Communion is a collaboration body consisting of various charismatic leaders from different prayer groups of charismatic expressions and languages that are in Qatar. The NSC overlooks the formation, Training and growth of the renewal by promoting active faith and community life in all its operations. The main goal is to continue to work in unity with one another to foster the grace of baptism of the Holy Spirit in the whole church, as Pope Francis has commissioned us to do. The unity of the charismatic renewal, Using the charisms of the Holy Spirit, Acts of charity and ecumenical sharing are also strong pillars. About The Organization. National service of communion - Collaboration of various prayer groups and communities of the Charismatic Expression., Main Activities; Retreats,Conferences,Training Programs, Leadership Formation, Charismatic Development, Youth Formation And Supporting Parish Level Activities
COORDINATOR Dexter Carreon Mob.# 66597563 ASSISTANT COORDINATOR Joseph Manjo Mob.# 66623138 SECRETARY Bernie Beredico Mob.# 33238100 TREASURER Roshan Banz Mob.# 5093755
SCHEDULE: Quarterly Praisetfest & Prayer Assembly Prophetic Intercession every 3rd. Tues
Light of God Catholic Charismatic English Prayer group
The Light of God English Prayer group is a part of Catholic Charismatic Renewal . Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) is a spiritual movement within the Catholic Church that emphasises the availability of the power and the many gifts of the Holy Spirit in the life of every believer, and the need for a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ in order to live life to the fullest. CCR has its international office in Rome, and consists of thousands of local prayer groups and communities, as well as special ministries and services, in almost every country around the world. We are a revival-driven group of Christians with a God-given mandate to prepare men and women for the great harvest in the Roman Catholic Church. dedicated primarily to Catholic Evangelization. It began as a response to a burden the Holy Spirit laid upon a few people . We gather to Praise and Worship, to listen to the Word of God and glorify God through our lives & our testimonies. Praising God emphasises the goodness of God, and proclaims, with the Church, that God's grace is freely given to everyone. The Light of God Prayer Group’s renewed vision is to build a vibrant church, evangelizing in communion with all charismatic communities, realities and expressions through the exercise of charismatic gifts. We meet every Friday from 5.30pm to 7.00 pm and we would welcome you to witness Gods power and grace .
For more information, please contact:- Roshan Banz - 50937556 Augustine Fernandes - 50403405
Main Prayer Meeting: On Friday from 5.30 pm - 7:30 pm Intercessory meeting: On Friday from 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Leader : Caminda Perera 33859947
Every Friday 10.00am - 12.30pm @ Room No. 1010

We are Filipino OFWs in Qatar gathered together by God’s Grace and with common experiences of The Miracles And Wonders Of Jesus’ Divine Mercy. Mission: To proclaim the devotion to the Divine Mercy, Corporal and spiritual works of mercy involves a total commitment to God as mercy. It is a decision to accept his mercy with thanksgiving, To trust completely in him, And to be merciful as he is merciful. Vision: The Divine Mercy Devotion - The message takes on a powerful focus, calling people to a Deeper understanding that God's Love and Mercy is unlimited and available to everyone - especially the Greatest Sinners.
For more inquiries, You can reach bro. Joseph 66623138 and bro. Joel 55825941
Regular fellowship is held every Fridays from 9:30 Am to 12:30pm at Apostles Room 1013 & 1014.
Couples For Christ Global Mission Foundation Inc. Couples For Christ (CFC)

Couples For Christ (CFC) Is a catholic movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian Family Life. CFC Couples have committed themselves to the lord and to one another so that they may grow in maturity as men and women of God and fulfill their primary vocation of raising families grounded in christian values, In the service and love of God. In 1996, CFC Was approved by the Catholic Bishop's Conference of the Philippines as a national private association of Lay Faithful. In 2000, CFC was recognized by the holy see (Vatican) As “a Private International Association of the faithful of Pontifical Right.” CFC Wants to rise in defense of the family, which is God’s work. CFC Wants to bring God’s Strength and Light to those who are struggling to be truly Christian Families in the modern world. In 1993, CFC Established its family ministries. CFC Kids For Christ, CFC Youth For Christ, CFC Singles For Christ, CFC Handmaids Of The Lord, And CFC Servants Of The Lord, Provide a support environment for every member of the family. A person moves from one ministry to the next, As his state of life changes. Thus, the whole life of a person while on this world is covered. The Basic Formation Track of CFC will continue to be enhanced with additional focus on courses on the following: Deepening Of Spirituality 1. Strengthening of family life 2. Mission and evangelization 3. Principle of stewardship through financial stewardship 2, Work with the poor retreat, And the social teachings of the church. WHO CAN BECOME MEMBERS OF CFC? Any validly married catholic couple can become members of CFC. CFC Draws its membership from all sectors of society, Young and old, rich and poor, etc. CFC Transcends all cultural, economic, educational, social and other distinctions. CFC Main Activities 1. Weekly Household Prayer Meeting 2. Monthly Assembly 3. Monthly General Teaching 4. Leaders Training And Formations 5. Members Formation Teachings 6. Annual Conferences For Couples And All Ministries 7. Christian Life Program
CFC COUNTRY HEAD ( Qatar ): Bro Alex Agapito mob.# 66017701
As per schedule

In Hebrew, EL SHADDAI Means “The God Who Is More Than Enough.” “The Most Sufficient One.” “The Breasted One.” Jerusalem Bible Translated EL SHADDAI As The “Almighty God” (Genesis 17:1; 35:11). El Shaddai is a combination of two Hebrew Words: "El" Means God, And "Shaddai" Means Almighty. Thus, El Shaddai is translated as "God Almighty" (Genesis 17:1 And Genesis 35:11) "El Shaddai" Is one of the seven covenant names through which God the Father, The creator of heaven and earth, and of all Things seen and unseen, revealed himself to Israelites, his chosen people. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the all- powerful and ever- Llving God who never changes. He is the same yesterday, Today and Forever (Hebrews 13:8). He is the all- sufficient one- "The God who is more than enough." He is the source and provider of all our needs, And with him, all things are possible. El Shaddai DWXI Prayer Partners Fellowship International is the biggest catholic charismatic community in the Philippines. Our servant leader, Mariano "Mike" Zuniega Velarde or better known as Bro. Mike Velarde (born August 20, 1939) Is the Founder of the Philippine based catholic charismatic religious group El Shaddai movement which has a following of an estimated three to seven million Filipinos. He is the owner of Amvel Land Development Corporation, A real estate company and Delta Broadcasting System, an AM Band Radio Station (DWXI 1314KHz). His preaching style is no different from typical prosperity Gospel-driven Pentecostal televangelists. His brand of catholic charismatic-style Prosperity gospel theology captures the masses from which most of his followings come. It promises God's Financial And Physical Blessings to all provided that they remain faithful in attendance to gatherings, Giving their Tithes and offerings, And obedience. Part of Velarde's Practical Theology is the use of certain inanimate items such as handkerchiefs, umbrellas and even eggs as channels of God's power. Part of their regular meetings is lifting up and praying over bankbooks, checkbooks, purses and billfolds in hopes of heaven filling them with money. Such practices are not foreign to Filipino indigenous and folk religion. Thus, Velarde's brand of catholic charismaticism is highly acceptable to a majority of Filipinos. How To Join : Anyone who is baptized Catholic Christian can join and register to our membership ministry. ACTIVITIES : In Doha Qatar Chapter, The services interweave traditionally evangelical and catholic forms of prayer and worship. These are the following outlined program: 1. Praying 2. Recitation of Psalm 91 (every 6-12-6) 3. Praising, Dancing & Worshiping 4. Listening To The Healing Message With Our Preachers 5. Celebrating The Holy Eucharist Together Leaders : 1. Bro. Ronald Tinao – Contact person/ Preacher 2. Sis. Carmela Balanag – Secretary/ Treasurer 3. Bro. Rey Reyes - Head Of Martha Ministry 4. Bro Audie Dela Cruz - Head Of Service Ministry 5. Bro. Yev Idulsa - Head Of Liturgical Ministry 6. Sis. Lally Alcaraz – Head Of Music Ministry 7. Bro. Nick Bonus – Head Of Membership Ministry
leader: Bro.Ronald Tinao
Weekly Fellowship - Friday
Leader : Antony Xavier
Mobile : 55068916
Every Friday From 9am To 12 Noon At Room No.: 1018
Immaculate Heart Of Mary - IHM Prayer Group
(The Main Prayer Group Comprising The Whole Community) The 12 prayer groups of the Malayalam Community function effectively with the aim to increase the spirituality and to role model themselves as ideal Christians, working for the greater glory of God. The prayer groups gather once a week within the church premises to pray & share the Word of God and for fellowship. Every Wednesday The IMH Prayer Group conducts a common fellowship gathering all from other groups with charismatic prayers, Adoration by our spiritual director in the Alverna Chapel. Parishioners have benefited from their participation in the ADORATION, receiving several blessings from the trinity. All Mondays are designated for the weekly intercessory prayers. All activities of the prayer groups are governed by the core group & spiritual director in co-ordination with the concerned ministry of prayer. The core team plays an active role in the annual Malayalam retreat & other retreat/ formation sessions including charismatic prayer fellowship activities. The core group works in close co-ordination with national service team of Qatar & participates in various parish level retreats, formation activities & other prayer activities including praise fests (all community prayer group combined praise & worship) Main Activities: Charismatic Prayer, Praise & Worship, Word Of God, Intercession Prayer, Adoration & Every Friday Rosary Before Malayalam Mass. How someone can join/to be a part of this community: The prayer meeting are held every Wednesday from 7:15 Pm To 9 Pm in the Alverna Chapel. Those who are willing to be a part of this prayer can come and join.
Core Group Coordinator: Mr. Anil Joseph Asst.Coordinators: Mr.Antony Vinod & Mr. Zijo Padikkal 33678033 (Mob & WhatsApp) 30582520 (Mob & WhatsApp) 55829013 (Mob & WhatsApp)
Every Wednesday 7:15 Pm To 9 PM
Jesus Youth
Jesus Youth
Friday Morning 11:00AM-12:30PM - English Prayer Group for Africans Friday evening 4:15PM To 6:00PM - English Prayer Meeting Friday Evening 6:30PM To 8:00PM - Malayalam Youth Prayer Meeting Friday Evening 6:30PM To 8:00PM - Malayalam Family Prayer Meeting Thursday 6:30PM To 8:00PM - English Teens Prayer Meeting
Criffin - 33328174 (Malayalam Youth)
Dani - 66964319 (English)
Babu - 66540703 (Malayalam Family)
Jomichan - 33688437 (Teens Group)
Friday Morning 11:00AM-12:30PM - English Prayer Group for Africans Friday evening 4:15PM To 6:00PM - English Prayer Meeting Friday Evening 6:30PM To 8:00PM - Malayalam Youth Prayer Meeting Friday Evening 6:30PM To 8:00PM - Malayalam Family Prayer Meeting Thursday 6:30PM To 8:00PM - English Teens Prayer Meeting

The Legion of Mary (Latin: Legio Mariae) is an international association of members of the Roman Catholic Church who serve it on a voluntary basis. It was founded in Dublin, as a Roman Catholic Marian Movement by the layman and civil servant Frank Duff. Membership is open to those who belong to the Catholic Church and believe in its teaching. Its stated mission is for active members to serve God under the banner of Mary by the corporal and spiritual works of Mercy, as mentioned in Chapter 33 of the Legion of Mary Handbook. The main apostolate of the Legion is activities directed towards Catholics and non-Catholics encouraging them in their faith or inviting them to become Catholic. This is usually done by encouraging them in prayer, attending Mass and learning more about the Catholic faith. The members of the Legion are engaged primarily in the performance of spiritual works of mercy, rather than works of material aid.BR> Legion of Mary in Qatar The Legion of Mary was formed in Qatar through the initiative of the parish priest, Fr. Tom Veneracion. In February 2006 with the permission of Bishop Paul Hinder, Fr. Tom called the former legionaries to attend a meeting to form the first praesidium in Doha, Qatar. The first praesidium was officially formed on March 8, 2006. The first chosen name was “Praesidium Our Lady of the Rosary” which was taken from the name of the parish. The praesidium has been registered and recognized by the highest council of the legion based in Dublin, Ireland, the Concilium Legionis. During its initial months of operation the praesidium was directly reporting to the Concilium. Two months later the praesidium was transferred under the care of the Comitium in UAE through the leadership of Bro. Danny Ochoco. The praesidia is also under the supervision of a Spiritual Director, Fr. Anand, who was appointed by the Parish Priest, Fr. Peter. The group started off with about 15 members and officers were appointed accordingly. Some have left but have been
OUR LADY OF FATIMA CURIA OFFICERS: SIS. LEONY B. JARDER President Our Lady of Fatima Curia Email: [email protected] Contact no.: 3337 2611 BRO MARTINS OBASI Vice-President Our Lady of Fatima Curia Email: [email protected] Contact no.: 5542 8226 BRO JOHN PATRICK VALDERAMA Secretary Our Lady of Fatima Curia Email: [email protected] Contact no.: 7755 4685 BRO ARTHUR COMIA Treasurer Our Lady of Fatima Curia Email: [email protected]
Each praesidium should be meeting weekly with Praesidium name Weekly Meeting schedule 1st Praesidium Our Lady of the Rosary Wednesdays, at 8:00 – 9:30 pm 2nd Praesidium Our Lady of Annunciation Fridays, at 11:00 – 12:30 noon 3rd Praesidium Our Lady of Nativity - Junior Friday, at 10:00 – 11:00 am 4th Preasidium Immaculate Conception Thursdays, at 6:30 – 8:00 pm 5th Praesidium Mary, Mother of the Church. Wednesdays, at 8:00 – 9:30 pm TOTAL NUMBER OF ACTIVE MEMBERS: 60 full dedicated legionaries. Monthly Curia Council officers meeting is being held every 2 nd Friday of the month. have left but have been

The Liwanag Ng Buhay (LNB) Prayer Group is a catholic charismatic renewal formed in the year of the lord 2003 By a group of Filipino catholic expatriates in Qatar under the direction and guidance of its first spiritual director Fr. Tomasito Veneracion, A Franciscan Capuchin, who is the former Parish Priest Of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Dubai, UAE. Like all the catholic charismatic renewals all over the world, Its formation was an answer to the prayers of the catholic church as invoked by Pope John XXIII in the second Vatican council to “Renew In Our Day, O Lord, Your Wonders as in a new Pentecost” Thereby, ascribing its foundation to the Holy Spirit. In August 2003, The group of Filipino catholics conducted the very first Life In The Spirit Seminar (LSS) In Tagalog at the old Catholic Parish Centre in Doha, Qatar. After the LSS, the participants, still immersed by the experience of the Holy Spirit, agreed to meet on 3rd September 2003 At The Parish Center and had its first prayer meeting. And that date later became the anniversary of LNB. Since that day, The LNB was granted permission by the then Parish Priest Fr. Lester Mendonsa to have a Prayer Meeting every Friday at the parish centre. However, True to the Words of the scriptures that “many are called but few are chosen”, of the many participants in the LSS not all of them showed up for the Friday Prayer Meetings. But, over the next few months, As the word about the prayer meeting spread out, The number of attendees increased, LSS Graduates and non- graduates began to come regularly. For that reason, The need for A core group leaders came up and also, Different ministries were created to meet the growing needs of the new prayer group. As the number of attendees swelled up, The prayer meeting was moved from the small cabin to the Main Hall of the old Parish Centre where it was held until April 2008. During its first year, LNB was known as The ‘Light Of God Filipino Catholic Charismatic Renewal’, Taking its name from the mother community which is the ‘Light Of God English Prayer Group’. Seeing the necessity to have its own identity as a Filipino Prayer Group, An invitation was given to all members to engross in prayers and to come up with the name of the group in Tagalog. And on Easter Family Day Celebration of 2004, A name was chosen for the group among the many names suggested and it was Liwanag Ng Buhay (Light Of Life); A name inspired by the Gospel of John 8:12 “I Am the Light Of The World: He that followed me shall not walk in darkness, But shall have the light of life.” Over the next coming/few years, The LNB would brave challenges, Persecutions and difficulties yet the Almighty God is in control and ever faithful. If a Gold is tested by fire, So too the LNB has to undergo spiritual purification to be a true and devoted instrument of the Holy Spirit and become a humble servant of all; A significant lesson learned from its bleak experiences that will forever be the beacon of light for LNB-CCR. At Present, LNB-CCR Holds Its regular prayer meeting every Friday at the Sacraments Chapel of the new church and carries out its main work of baptism in the Holy Spirit through a Life In the Spirit Seminar. LNB-CCR Is blessed by God with vibrant gifted members who sustain its apostolate and service not only within the community but also in the Whole Parish. Objective Making WORSHIP our way of life and draw others to GOD in fellowship and humble service and be Christ-centered, Spirit-filled sons and daughters of God. Vision The Liwanag Ng Buhay (light Of Life) desires to gather the children of God and bring them into a deeper spiritual dimension through the new outpouring of the Holy Spirit and become more committed to loving a serving God and one another and be a source of healing and transformation to others. Mission The community shall work on developing and transforming our brethren to make WORSHIP their way of life to enable them to draw others to GOD in fellowship and humble service and become Christ-centered, Spirit-filled sons and daughters of God. Programs And Activities Liwanag Ng Buhay Catholic Charismatic Renewal (LNB-CCR) Yearly Programs and activities ensure that it all aligned through the guidance of its Vision and Mission. Besides LNB-CCR programs and activities, LNB-CCR actively involved and participated in different programs and activities supported by our Lady Of The Rosary Parish Church, National Service Team (NST), And San Pedro Calungsod Filipino Community (SPCFC). A. Our Lady Of The Rosary Parish Church 1. Holy Mass – LNB-CCR Music Ministry regularly serve, every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month, As liturgical choir during the Filipino Mass. 2. Lenten Retreat – LNB-CCR Participates in preparation for Holy Week. 3. Holy Week – LNB-CCR Actively involve as an apostle at the washing of the Feet Commemoration during maundy Thursday; recitation of Stations of the Cross during Good Friday; and to a maximum participation in every ministry during Easter Vigil. 4.Poor Of Saint Anthony (POSA) Food Stall – LNB-CCR prepare food and water, serve it to parishioners every assigned schedule. While serving is on-going, LNB-CCR Music Ministry and body praise ministry respectively rendering inspirational songs with Joyful Dance. 5. Corpus Christi - LNB-CCR Joins In Adoration with the exposition of the body of Christ 6. Eucharistic Adoration - LNB-CCR Participates the weekly Eucharistic Adoration Schedule B. National Service Team (NST) 7. Pentecost Vigil – LNB-CCR Actively Participates In The Preparation And Celebration 8. Pentecost Praise Fest - LNB-CCR Leads Praise And Worship 9. Jericho Prayer March - LNB-CCR Leads the prayer at the parish ground with Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Prayer. 10. Prophetic intercession - LNB-CCR continuously encourages intercessory ministry to attend or send representative for prophetic intercession that regularly meet every 2nd Sunday of the month. C. San Pedro Calungsod Filipino Community (SPCFC) 11. Sto. Niño Novena With Mass - LNB-CCR Participates on this 9-day novena, assigned as sponsor with LNB-CCR Music Ministry serve as choir during the Mass. 12. Sto. Niño Festival - As Major Celebration in the Philippines in honor of the arrival of christianity in the country and of the infant king Jesus, LNB-CCR participated in the Solemnity Mass, Processions and cultural presentations for this festive celebration 13. Mass Offeror - LNB-CCR assigned as offeror during Filipino Mass also supports Usher Ministry on the scheduled dates. 14. Flores De Mayo (Flowers Of May) and Santa Cruzan (Holy Cross) - As Part Of The Filipino Devotion To The Blessed Mary, The Marian Month of May celebrated with flower festival. LNB-CCR participated in this Festivity with processions within the church compound with the dressed characters involved in the St. Helena’s finding of the true cross of the Crucifixion Of The Lord with her son constantine and in Honor of the Blessed Mary, Wherein women are dressed with our Lady’s Title. 15. POLO OWWA Outreach - LNB-CCR Sponsor The Eucharistic Celebration with the Parish Priest, LNB-CCR Music Ministry Serve as Choir, Provides Food and Water to Less Fortunate Filipinos at Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) Per Assignment. D. LNB-CCR Programs And Activities LNB-CCR Regular Programs and activities always adjusted to support, participate, and involve for major programs and activities of the parish, NST, SPCFC, and within the community. 16. Talk And Teachings – LNB-CCR Regularly having talk and teachings every 1st Friday of the month. 17. Workshops – “Prophetic Intercession” And “Praise & Worship Leader” Workshops 18. Life In The Spirit Seminar (LSS) – Conducted and organized on two consecutive Fridays (normally Last Friday of July and first Friday of August) With the series of talks based on the resources obtained from the international Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) in Vatican. This will be continued with the basic bible service (BBS) and growth in the spirit seminar (GSS). 19. Praise And Worship – LNB-CCR Regularly having Praise And Worship Every Friday. During this time, Additional activities are integrated based on major activities such as “The Passion of the Lord- A Lenten Reflections with Exaltation of the Cross-Prayer Meeting” and “Soaking Prayer For LSS”. 20. Testimony / Sharing / Cell Grouping – LNB-CCR encourages and inviting every member to testify and share the experience of the goodness and love of God especially during cell grouping or even after Praise and Worship. 21. Intercessory Prayer Meeting – LNB-CCR- regularly having the intercessory Prayer Meeting after Praise and Worship. 22. Thanksgiving and Family Day– A family thanksgiving fellowship, a fun-filled day with games outdoors like Museum of Islamic Arts (MIA) and Aspire Park. 23. Caroling And Simbang Gabi Services – By The LNB Music Ministry 24. Cell Grouping – Bible Study with sharing and testimonies, Also initiated online cell grouping through social media. How Someone Can Join/to Be A Part Of The Community? 1. We welcome all Filipino Parishioners to attend our 2. Life In The Spirit Seminar Graduates 3. Filipino Parishioners can approach any LNB member and join Current Members Strength: 150 Active Members
Leaders Information/Contact Information
Head Servant: Bernadette Lee Beredico
Mobile No: +97433238100
Asst. Head Servant – Pastoral: Sis Rodalyn Noot-Albino
Mobile No. +97433472493
Asst. Head Servant – Ministerial: Ponciano Miranda
Mobile No; +97455803081
LNB Helpline: +97433075888
Multimedia: Https:// (FB Page)
Website: Https://www
Regular prayer meeting every Friday at Sacrament Chapel 9:am- 11))am followed with a fellowship at apostles room 1021
Regular prayer meeting every Friday at the Sacraments Chapel 9:00am – 11:00am followed with a Fellowship at apostles room 1021
Light Of Jesus Family (LOJF )/Feast. The Feast is weekly gathering of the members of the light of Jesus Family in locations across the country and around the world . It is a place in which we grow as a community, enriching our lives not just spirituality, but in other aspect as well. The feast itself is a family, so of course you can bring your children with you. What better way to grow with them as you go on thus journey together.
Olie Hubalde
Every Friday 3-5pm
MFC Missionary Families for Christ
MFC Missionary Families f
MFC Missionary Families f
MFC Missionary Families f
NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY The Neocatechumenal Way, Also known as the Neocatechumenate, NCW, Colloquially The Way, is a Charism within the catholic church dedicated to Christian formation. It was formed in Madrid in 1964 By Kiko Argüello and Carmen Hernández. Taking its inspiration from the Catechumenate Of The Early Catholic Church by which converts from Paganism were prepared for baptism, It provides post-baptismal formation to adults who are already members of the church or to those far from the church who have been attracted by the testimony of Christian Life of Love and unity in the communities (referencing such Bible Verses as John 13:35 And 17:21), In accordance with the designs of the rite of Christian initiation of adults (RCIA).Due to numerous vocations coming from the families formed in the communities, It has also helped to establish and run over 100 missionary diocesan seminaries in various locations. They are called "Redemptoris Mater" Seminaries. It is responsible for communities of "families In Mission", Called "Missio Ad Gentes", Living in Many cities around the world. together with a Priest and his socius, And some celibate women, They make present the church in places of Little or No Catholic Presence.
Fr. Michael Cadhit Mail: [email protected] +974 33727932
As Per Schedule

YOUTH IGNITED FOR CHRIST (YI4C) YOUTH GROUP Youth Ignited for Christ (YI4C) is a charismatic youth group that caters to teens and young adults from the ages of 13 - 35 years. YI4C aims to empower young Catholics (to quote Pope Francis) to become a ‘current of grace’, in their own homes and to the world around them. As the Pope has stated, the youth are not the future of the church, but the NOW of the church. The weekly youth meetings of YI4C involve a time of worship and Biblical teaching accompanied by fun activities, group discussions, inspiring testimonials and fellowship. This place becomes an opportune platform for the youth to share ideas, establish authentic, godly friendships and edify one another as they grow in their walk of faith. Besides the weekly meetings, YI4C is actively involved in parish activities, bible study, intercession, fellowship gatherings and volunteer work for charity-related events. In addition, the youth are encouraged to participate and serve the community using their gifts and talents related to music, service, technical expertise, media engagement, photography, A/V talent and so on.
For more information please contact: Joanne Rodrigues – 30420709 Connect with us: Instagram: yi4c_official Facebook: Youth Ignited For Christ Email: [email protected]
Youth meeting timings: Every Friday from 5.30pm – 7.30pm at the church premises